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Far Mantis Page 4
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Page 4
Ximon said, “Good thinking everyone.” He then shifted the display to the Irapce sector, with a path to Irapce and then to Zased highlighted. “Once we’re past Zased, we’ll be a little less full. We just also need to ensure we make it to Irapce in time for that planning conference. We’ve got a few months, but that’s quite a few jumps.”
“From what I understand, we’ll be there a couple of weeks and then leave, with this Ambassador guy with us. Any other issues I’m missing so far?”
Raiza interjected, “Captain, I will stock all the food and other perishable supplies we can, but they will be consumed fairly quickly. We will need to ensure we can resupply as we go.”
Elsbeth pointed along the path. “Also, let’s not forget that we’ve been through this area before and it wasn’t exactly smooth sailing.”
Ximon said, “I’m confident it will be all ‘fair winds and following seas’ this time.”
Elsbeth smirked. “Brilliant plan there, oh fearless leader.”
Ximon continued unabated, “Anyway, after we unload at Zased, we’ll have space freed up and it doesn’t look like we’ve got any particular time constraints on the remaining stuff. Mantis, am I missing anything?”
Mantis replied quickly, “Captain, the mission details for Onzarhat specify no specific dates. However, it is worth noting that we’ll be working with Ambassador Douhat and I’m sure he’ll want to make good speed to accomplish his mission.”
“A good assumption, but at least we’re not up against a hard deadline. I’ll work out some of the details for Onzarhat once we near Zased, probably working with Douhat if he’s reasonable,” Ximon said. “So, are we missing anything?”
Elsbeth said, “It sounds about as well planned as our regular shenanigans. So, violence, mayhem, breakdowns, etc.”
Raiza kindly interjected, “Ximon, I believe we’ve addressed the key issues and have as sound a plan as the variables allow.”
Ximon smiled. “Thanks, my dear.”
Peter then whispered something to Elsbeth, and she spoke up again, “Thanks babe.” She turned to Ximon. “We were wondering if you thought we’d need to come back here to get more drop tanks after we visit Darcy. Personally, I don’t want to run out of gas in dead space and the lovable Peter here wants to be able to plan cargo space.”
“Thanks for mentioning that. Mantis and I are still comparing routes on that. It sure wouldn’t hurt to have that option, but it’s a pretty much a one-shot deal—use ‘em and drop ‘em. I’m not sure we can spare the couple extra weeks it will take to go get them after Darcy and I sure don’t want to go back and get them after Irapce—that’d cost us well over a month. So, probably not, but I’ll firm that up no later than Darcy.”
Ximon then looked at each of them in turn. “Anything else?”
They all said ‘no’ or shook their heads.
Ximon stood up. “Okay, then, get the fuel, supplies, and so forth and I’ll check on this other stuff. Takeoff 0800 tomorrow unless we need to adjust.”
As they broke up Ximon talked to Mantis, “Mantis, please put together prioritized route options for getting from Zased to Onzarhat, with and without the drop tanks. Pull the best info we have for the Qurusetia Sector. Please also start assembling options for coming back from Onzarhat to Tixaya, assuming that’s where we go from there, but that’s obviously months out.”
“Roger, Captain. I am assembling route plans with system details at this time and will be done within the hour. I can present those to you any time after that or simply make them available to you for your perusal, as you prefer.”
“Presenting them sounds good. Plan on that. Probably tomorrow when we’re heading to the jump point.”
“All will be in readiness.”
Ximon then sat down and contacted the Anachreon Research Collaboration Consortium (ARCC), the research organization that organized both the Zanerus station project and Alzroid’s team that the crew had completed months before. He again reached Dr. Belarusk who they had worked with before and set up a video call.
Ximon started, “Dr. Belarusk, this is Ximon Sabo from the Mantis. We’re told you’re expecting us to get gear to resupply Alzroid’s station.”
Dr. Belarusk smiled. “Yes, Ximon, we are expecting you and we’re thrilled to again work with a vessel that did such great work before. Truly, it allays some concerns.”
“I’m glad it worked out. Doctor, we have to complete another mission after getting that equipment and then have a series of missions between here and when we hit Zased. I hope that doesn’t upset your plans.”
Belarusk frowned a bit, but then smiled. “Well, we naturally want to move the project along as soon as we can, but as you know, one good thing about working with robots is that they’re eternally patient. So, I don’t think Alzroid will complain.”
“Quite true. We will get there as soon as we can, but it’s a fair distance and we do have some stops along the way.”
“Understood. Just, please do your best. So, when do you want to get the equipment?”
“As I said, we have to rush to another mission. So, we’d really like to get it tomorrow around 0900. Is that workable?”
“Certainly, the robot teams continue to be quite efficient. They’re always trying to optimize something, but they can probably be ready within an hour anytime you wish. Your main contact will be another of the Automated Scout Outpost Robots (ASORs). ASOR Lima I believe. He’s not exactly chatty, but he’s well versed on the equipment and the loading process. Please also keep Scott Jacobs in the loop on your plans. He runs the facility there and, either he or one of his folks, will need to sign out the equipment to you.”
“That sounds good, Doctor. I appreciate the efficiency.”
“So, do I. The robots are not only efficient, but they can sometimes be far less tiresome than prima donna professors, if you know what I mean.”
“I can imagine. Thanks again. We’ll take good care of the resupply and we’ll send a report this way as soon as we’re done.”
Belarusk said, “Thanks. Good luck.” Then he cut the connection.
With that done, Ximon arranged to meet Shao Tai for dinner at a moderately nice restaurant and let her know they’d plan for her to check on board that night. She immediately confirmed receipt and said that would be no problem.
With prep near ready, Ximon relaxed for a bit until it was time to head for dinner. He arrived at the restaurant a few minutes early, following the “if you’re not early, you’re late” mantra. That mantra had been essentially ‘beaten into him’ through several decades of KSF service.
It did, indeed, look like a fairly nice restaurant and there were some intriguing smells of meat and strong spices wafting about. Regardless of the planned interview, Ximon was ready to eat.
He waited near the door until a woman matching Shao Tai’s picture came in at 1700 on the nose. She was in her late twenties, a petite woman with jet-black hair pulled back severely. She had what’s been called an ‘Asian’ appearance since ancient times. She looked quite serious, wore basic utility clothing, and carried a tablet.
Ximon smiled and shook her hand. “Shao Tai, I presume. I’m Ximon Sabo.”
She shook his hand timidly and replied, “Ah, Captain. It’s good to meet you.”
Ximon had already arranged for the table and the maître de took them back. “I haven’t eaten here myself, but I’ve heard this is good.”
They sat and Ximon said, “Please, order whatever you wish.” He then studied the menu to decide on what he wanted.
He ordered some curry chicken and rice. She ordered some basic fried rice.
With the food taken care of, Ximon got down to business. “We were glad to hear that the Eon Explorer was willing to part with you. Since we’re taking on most of their unfulfilled missions, we can certainly use the help. Your record shows you’re pretty experienced sensor engineer.”
She smiled, “Yes, Captain, though not by the route you might be most familiar with. I studied s
ensor design at university on Zarre. I did some practical maintenance and calibration work as a side job during my studies. I am slated for graduate work in six to seven months but had wanted to get a year or two practical experience in the field. I did a few short jobs and then spent a couple months on the Explorer before her orders changed dramatically. Going with them would likely have required a substantial contract extension or risk my graduate school plans so I deferred and then you presented yourself. I appreciate the opportunity. Am I right to understand that we’ll back to Xalanan or Tixaya within six months?”
“It’s always hard to be sure, but I certainly hope so. What kind of sensors do you have experience with?”
“Quite a few types. Many of these are commercial grade, but I worked on the Explorer’s for some months, and studied and worked on some models closer to yours.”
“Well, it sounds like you have the background to figure them out if they’re a bit different.”
“I think so. Can we discuss working conditions and responsibilities, Captain?”
“Working conditions?” Ximon asked.
“Yes. What manner of quarters would I have? What are my duty shifts? That kind of thing.”
While that was an understandable question, it concerned Ximon. If she was used to civilian life or a large crew, she might not be able to adapt to the life of a small ship and crew. That had to be cleared up.
“Ms. Tai, you may be confused about what life and work on a ship like Mantis is. We’re not a commercial ship, nor are we a big ship with a large crew like the Eon Explorer. You’ll have a cabin like the rest of us. There are only a few of us and there are no shifts. If there’s work to do, you’re working. If not, you can be learning the systems better, helping with other things, or relaxing. If that’s not okay, Mantis may not be the right place for you.”
She worried at her lip, frowned, and fiddled with her utensils, clearly concerned. “Captain, the Eon Explorer already left. They transferred my contract location to you and said you’d need me.”
Ximon shook his head slowly. “We could certainly use a good sensor operator who can work as part of the crew as we face some challenging missions. If that’s you, then we need you. But, if you’re expecting an eight-to-five job, Mantis is not the right place for you; we’ll do without, and you can find passage on some other ship coming through.”
Shao raised her hands in a placating gesture. “No, no, Captain. I can work with that. I just wanted to understand where I stood.”
“Well, that’s about it. You work the sensors whenever needed, help with anything else when needed, and work with the rest of the crew. They’re good folks. That’s about it.”
By this time the food had arrived, and they started eating. As they did so, Ximon told a few brief stories about Mantis and Shao Tai told him about some of her studies and her time on the Eon Explorer. There she had been one of eight sensor technicians.
As they finished, Shao said, “Captain, I look forward to serving with you and thanks again for dinner.”
Ximon said, “Okay, if you’re sure. Please come to Mantis, berth 8C-7, at 2000 with all your stuff. We’ll be taking off early tomorrow and I’d like you to get settled in tonight and meet everyone. But, please, remember the words, ‘I’m not on shift’ and ‘that’s not in my job description’ never apply.”
“Understood, Captain. I’ll be there.”
With that they finished up the dregs of their meal and left, going their separate ways.
Ximon called Raiza. “Hello, love. Shao Tai will join us tonight around 2000. Am I correct in assuming she’ll be in cabin three?”
“Yes, Ximon. I checked its serviceability and cleanliness today. Peter and I also retrieved the consumable supplies and the decoys, and he and Elsbeth have the Mantis fueled.”
“Thanks for the updates. I was certain you had everything ready but felt compelled to ask.”
“That’s understandable, dear. It’s part of your role. Just know that I am always ready for you.”
“Be careful, Raiza, or I’ll hold you to that.”
“You can hold me however, whenever, and wherever you wish.”
“I’ll verify that later tonight.”
“I’ll be ready.”
Ximon marveled again. How could anyone not love that woman?
Ximon told the rest of the crew that Shao Tai would be arriving around 2000 so they could meet her but wasn’t surprised to hear that Elsbeth and Peter were planning to be out late and would see her in the morning.
Shao Tai arrived shortly before 2000, dragging a large wheeled bag, wearing a backpack, and carrying a messenger bag. Ximon greeted her. “Shao, welcome to Mantis. Let me take you to the galley and you can meet a few of the others.”
Raiza and Mantis’ telebot were in the galley. Ximon motioned.
“This is my dear wife Raiza. She is our medical officer and steward par excellence.”
Raiza stepped forward and shook Shao’s hand. “Welcome to Mantis. It’s a pleasure to have you on board. Let me take some of your bags.”
Shao looked a bit confused, like she was trying to see if Ximon had misspoken or if she was missing something.
Mantis’ telebot rolled up, her praying mantis avatar on the screen, and said, “Greetings, I am Mantis, or an avatar thereof. I can, of course, also be accessed by speaking in most parts of my ship body.”
Shao finally broke out of her stunned silence. “It’s nice to meet you both.”
Raiza said, “Come, let me show you your quarters and then give you the tour.”
As the ladies walked away, Ximon said, “Welcome again. Have a good night. Breakfast will be ready around 0700 and I want you in your seat on the bridge by 0745 for a 0800 liftoff.”
Shao replied, “Thank you. Good night, Captain.”
He replied, “It’s Ximon, please.”
In the morning, they all gathered at breakfast and Shao met Peter and an obviously hung-over Elsbeth. Shao was quite chipper. “Good morning, I’m Shao.”
Elsbeth grunted, squinted, and finally said, “Oh, right. Morning, I guess.”
Peter chimed in and said, “Greetings. I am Peter, assistant mechanic and ship logistician.”
Shao looked intently at Peter and whispered, “Wow, another robot. So, life like. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“And you, miss.”
Ximon and Shao sat down to eat, joined by Peter and Raiza. Elsbeth just got a plate and stood, eating as if she was pained and in a hurry.
Ximon was anxious to get going and consciously overlooked Elsbeth’s hang over. “Okay, we need everyone to be strapped in ready for takeoff in thirty. We’ll take off and immediately head back down to the ARCC research facility where we picked up Vir and Alzroid’s teams last year. There we’ll meet another of the ASOR bots. He should have all the cargo ready. We’ll get all that loaded, takeoff, and head for the jump point. As you’ll recall, the bots were very organized last time and Dr. Belarusk has assured me they’re ready, so hopefully this will go smooth. Shao, I’ll tell you about that previous mission as we head for the jump point.”
They ate with some minor chatter before Raiza started cleaning up, and Ximon spoke to the air, “Mantis, start pre-flight checks.”
“Roger, Captain. Beginning checks.”
Elsbeth got some coffee. “Welcome Shao,” she said before turning to Ximon. “I’m going to do some checks as we fire things up.” Then she took Peter’s hand, “Come on, Peter. Why don’t you do one last check to ensure we’re ready for that cargo?”
Then after sipping juice for a few minutes, Ximon took his water bottle and motioned to Shao, “Come on. Let’s go.” And headed for the bridge.
They both said their thanks to Raiza for breakfast as they left the dining hall.
Ximon sat down and Mantis said, “Initial pre-checks complete. All green.”
“Thanks, Mantis.” Then he motioned Shao to the sensor operator seat. “Here’s your station. Get the sensors fired up and start f
amiliarizing yourself. Mantis will back you up and provide guidance until you’re comfortable. You’ll have several hours as we head to the jump point and then about a week in jump to study them. I need you to become an expert on those sensors, so we can get the max from them.”
“Yes, Captain, er, Ximon. I see some suites that I’m familiar with, but some others I’ll need to study carefully. During jump, I’ll also examine the decoys. I studied them a bit on Eon Explorer, but we never deployed them while I was there.”
“Well, you’ve got plenty of time to study and Mantis has some good training videos that might help, as well as all of the schematics and manuals.”
“I’ll get right on it.”
With everything as ready as it could be, Ximon took off, pulling carefully away from the station and heading down to the planet. As they came in for a landing, they were directed to pad not far from the research buildings. They would be going to the one labelled ARRC, where they had picked up previous teams. When they landed, they were met by one of the ASORs with a four-seat golf cart sitting behind him. Ximon, Elsbeth, and Peter descended the ramp.
The ASOR bot was a metal stick figure in the shape of a man, with no skin-like covering at all. It made no pretense at humanity whatsoever but moved smoothly toward them and greeted the crew with its long, spindly arms. “Greetings, crew of the Mantis. I am ASOR Lima and will be coordinating the loading of the equipment for the Alzroid project station at Zanerus. I am honored to meet the crew that so aptly helped the initial team.”
Ximon shook his hand. “Welcome, ASOR Lima. Is your equipment ready? And how can we best assist you?”
“Everything is ready, Captain. If you do not object, I will return to the loading bay where our trucks are waiting. I will return with them and a Mr. Scott Jacobs, who will need to do inventory with someone from your crew. If you prefer, you or your crew could accompany.”
“Elsbeth, would you and Peter accompany ASOR please?” Then in a whisper he added to Elsbeth, “Try to ensure there are no delays like Vir’s team had last time.”