Far Mantis Page 3
When they came out of jump at Edorener, Ximon immediately checked for messages. There was, indeed, a message from the Eon Explorer.
To:KSS SC-1550-V, LCDR Sabo
From:KSS Eon Explorer, CAPT MacCorryn
Subject: Regional Taskings
Greetings LCDR Sabo,
As Tixaya Operations has informed you, the Eon Explorer is being reassigned from this area much sooner than previously expected. We must, therefore, leave these tasks to you to fulfill as best you can.
We are currently at Edorener Station 1 but will be leaving at 1200 hours tomorrow. Please send your status, coordinates, and expected Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) to Station 1. If you can get here in time, we’ll meet in person. If not, we’ll do a near-intercept so we can have a video conference without substantial lag.
CAPT MacCorryn
Ximon thought, well, she’s as cheery as ever.
Ximon asked Mantis, “What’s our ETA to Edorener Station 1 at 2.0G acceleration?”
Mantis replied, “At 2.0G, we will arrive at approximately 1155 tomorrow. If Eon Explorer sticks to its stated schedule, that will be too late to meet physically. However, if we do 2.5G, we could arrive by 1030; at 3.0G 0920.”
Ximon said, “Very well. But we don’t need to be too early. Lay in a course at 2.3G.”
In all honesty, he wasn’t too thrilled about their meeting being too long.
Then he announced to the crew, “Please strap in, we’re going to be burning.”
Once he had Mantis burning that way, Ximon sent a reply message.
To:KSS Eon Explorer, CAPT MacCorryn
From:KSS Mantis, LCDR Sabo (Ret)
Subject: Regional Taskings
Greetings CAPT MacCorryn
Message received. Enroute to Edorener Station 1. Coordinates 139.09, 234.73 ATQ, heading 093. ETA 1050 tomorrow.
We will request docking near you. If it won’t delay your departure, we can meet briefly. If that puts your schedule at risk, we can have a video conference as we near the station.
Please advise as to your preference.
LCDR Sabo (Ret)
Ximon then had Mantis coordinate with Edorener Station Control to request docking at their estimated arrival time as near to Eon Explorer’s bay as possible. He then turned the controls over to Mantis and made his way carefully back to his cabin for a nap. Extended burns at 2.0 G or more could get tiring and Mantis was more than capable of flying a basic course and alerting him of anything unexpected.
Raiza was actually in the cabin when he got there so they fooled around for a bit. The G forces associated with acceleration made some interesting differences in their play. However, not being strapped in could be dangerous if Mantis made any sudden moves. After some enjoyment, Ximon and Raiza both strapped in and Ximon got in a good nap.
When he returned to the bridge a few hours later Mantis was just starting a slow deceleration. This had similar G forces, but in a different direction. Ximon quickly sat down and strapped in.
Mantis welcomed him. “Good morning Captain.”
Ximon said, “Mantis, good morning. What’s our ETA? Any new messages?”
Mantis quickly replied, “ETA 2.2 hours. We received a message from the Eon Explorer stating that we should plan to meet at 1050 but should provide them an updated ETA when we’re thirty minutes out.”
“Well, I guess she’s anxious to meet. Apparently, we’ll need to run there. Great.”
He then signaled Elsbeth. “We’ll be docking in just over two hours. Please join me in meeting with the Eon Explorer, sober, in a Mantis jump suit.”
Elsbeth was slow to respond, but then, with some strain and perhaps exasperation, said, “Ximon, I’m sleeping and these Gs are pulling me down into the bed. Do you really need to drag me to this crap?”
“Yes, and you’re welcome for the invitation. Please be ready in two hours.”
“I’ll see what I can do. That’ll entail me moving around so I’m not naked. Try not to kill me with some inane maneuvering.”
“Ah that. I will see what I can do.”
They arrived about five minutes before their initial ETA but Ximon, Elsbeth and Mantis’ telebot had to rush to get to the Eon Explorer. Ximon had brought the telebot as another set of ‘eyes and ears.’
At the Eon Explorer’s berth, they briefly glanced at her through a viewport. She was a sleek, sizable ship and easily dwarfed the Mantis. But Ximon realized he was short of time and decided to save sightseeing for after the meeting.
A KSF guard at the boarding tunnel confirmed their identity, let them pass, and radioed in that they had arrived. After walking through the tunnel, they encountered a very tall, very young KSF Lieutenant (LT) standing outside the Explorer’s airlock.
The LT greeted them shortly, “Welcome LCDR Sabo, crew. Please follow me.”
They trailed him through the airlock and down the corridor. Once inside the Eon Explorer, everything was gleaming in either pristine white, blue, or silver. She was obviously a new ship and maintained with great diligence. They saw a few other KSF personnel down one corridor or another, but they didn’t run into any before they came to the conference room. It was sizable and could clearly host as many as twenty, though he doubted they’d have that large a group today.
The LT said, “Please have a seat. The captain will join us shortly.”
He then directed them to specific seats at the table. Ximon recalled that MacCorryn had always been a stickler for protocol. The LT then stood by the door staring at some data on his tablet.
A few minutes later, they heard multiple sets of footsteps approaching and the LT came to attention and loudly proclaimed, “Captain on deck!”
CAPT MacCorryn entered swiftly and took a seat without taking a breath. She was followed by a young, female Ensign who sat two seats down from her on the left. The LT then filled the empty seat between the two.
CAPT MacCorryn was an impressive figure. She was pushing sixty, and was slender, with blond-grey hair, and was wearing a KSF dress uniform. Ximon felt a bit underdressed in a Mantis flight suit, but he had intentionally wanted to set the reminder that he was not on active duty.
She turned to Ximon. “LCDR Sabo, welcome to Eon Explorer. We served together at KSF Region Seven HQ, did we not?”
“Yes, ma’am. We did.”
“Good to see you again. It appears that retirement suits you.”
Ximon wondered if there was a hint of a snub in that, but concluded he was probably imagining it since she had always been hard on people in the past.
“Quite well, Captain. But we’re always happy to assist the KSF if we can.”
“Glad to hear it. You’ve met LT Malek, my Ops #2. Ensign Green, my Sensor Officer and sometimes aide.”
Ximon chimed in, “Captain, this is my chief engineer, Engineer-2 Petra, and Mantis, an extension of my ship’s AI.”
She replied curtly, “Welcome. Let’s get started.”
She motioned to Green and a sector map appeared on the screen. She then went on, “As you know, Eon Explorer is being reassigned from this area and we’ve been directed to pass our unfulfilled tasks on to you.
“We’ve got several. I know you’ve got some resupply runs to Zased as well, but you’ll just have to fit that in when you can. First…” She motioned, and the screen changed to show a planetary system with a fiery sun. “We need you to get to Darcy at speed. Her sun is expanding and is threatening several sizable stations in inner orbits, so the people are all being evacuated to stations farther out or evacuated of the system altogether. Darcy’s not a Republic system, but this is a goodwill gesture to ‘plant the flag.’ You’ll report to Station Zeta Control for directions to assist. Aside from helping in relocation, you’ll need to go visit Station Duo and retrieve two sensor systems we have there and one orbiting satellite. You’ll then put the probe back in an outer orbit.”
Ximon cut in, “Sensor systems on a non-Republic station?”
“Yes, LCDR. Some were there by agree
ment and some were less formally placed. I’m afraid some of that is classified and compartmentalized, and we can’t discuss it beyond what’s in your mission details. In any case, the KSF needs the data and the sensors, if at all possible. We’d also like you to get updates on station status in general. You can either bring the sensors back to Xalanan or to any KSF base. They’ll have an open file on this and will be able to gather the data we need.”
“I understand the sun there is expanding. Do you think we can safely recover sensors that close to the sun?”
“Of course, or we wouldn’t be sending you. If when you arrive, it’s too hot, abort. Copy?”
“Certainly,” Ximon said.
“Great, then you’ll head to the Irapce Sector and participate in war games. Again, this is a goodwill gesture. Mantis is obviously quite different from Eon Explorer but play what role you can. Your recent combat experience should prove useful and give you credibility. After the exercise, you’ll pick up Ambassador Gregory Douhat, who should also be there observing the war games.”
“You’ll take him and head down into the Qurusetia Sector to Onzarhat. It’s a confused, moderately low-tech, balkanized world, but potentially valuable. You’ll make contact at Douhat’s direction and aid him with some initial meetings. It’s possible that he may have another goodwill gesture for you. After that, he will stay there. He will, no doubt, have some gear with him and possibly an aide or two. My information on that is not clear. From there, you’re on your own. I know Mantis doesn’t have the range for this, but I’m told you have drop tanks and fuel bladders, correct?”
“Yes, Captain. We were issued those.”
“Okay. You’ll need them. If you feel you need to, you can return here and get issued another set of drop tanks if you’ve expended those. Mission details have been sent to you. Any questions?”
“When in all this, am I supposed to do my mission to Zased? It involves quite a bit of equipment.”
MacCorryn said curtly, “Not really my problem. Fit it in whenever you can or after these tasks. But these tasks are on a clock, I don’t believe that one is. Anything else? Can we count on you to get this done?”
“We will do our best to make it work.”
MacCorryn then turned to her crew. “Staff?”
LT Malek spoke up, “Thank you, ma’am. LCDR, you’ll need to ensure you get to the Irapce war games in time for the final planning conference. The timing is in your packet. Additionally, you’ll be representing the KSF in the exercise and showing off the capabilities of Republic ships like the Mantis, so you’ll be on active status for that time. It is expected you’ll wear KSF uniform at that time and represent well.”
Ximon interjected at that. “We weren’t aware of any intent to activate us. We just got deactivated.”
MacCorryn took back over, “It is very temporary, for the war games only. We are selling this as the Republic helping them in their war games. To do that, you need to be an ‘official’ KSF representative, not a contractor. You will, of course, accrue time, pay, and so forth.”
LT Malek then resumed, “We do also have a few things for you to assist. First, we’ve got a contractor sensor operator you can take with you at KSF expense—a Ms. Shao Tai. She’s quite good and should be helpful in general scanning along the way. I’ve sent your contact info. She should be available any time after 1700 today.”
“Do you think we’ll need the additional crew?”
MacCorryn cut in yet again, “LCDR, you’re going fairly deep into the Vast. You’ll need all the sensors you can get. Eon Explorer was going to use her to complement our team, and we have a far more substantial sensor array than Mantis. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”
“Roger, ma’am.”
LT Malek resumed as if unphased or, at least, very used to being interrupted by MacCorryn. “We’re also transferring you two active decoys in case you get in any trouble. Ms. Tai has some familiarity with them, and Mantis should have no trouble interfacing with them.”
Ximon raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Thanks, but you’re worrying me.”
MacCorryn said, “We just know you’re filling a bigger ship’s shoes and want to ensure your success. Is there anything else? We have to prepare for departure.”
Ximon said, “I think the mission details will fill in the rest. Elsbeth, Mantis, anything?”
Elsbeth shook her head.
Mantis said, “Captain, the mission details appear complete. I can note no broken references or dependencies.”
MacCorryn’s mouth flattened into a thin line as she stood, showing her impatience, before she gave Ximon a smile. “See, even your computer agrees. LCDR, it was good seeing you. I trust you and Mantis can fulfill these duties admirably. The KSF appreciates your continued service and support.”
With that she left, the Ensign in tow.
The LT showed them off the Eon Explorer. As they left, he said, “As you’ll note, the mission information provides details on where you can get issued the decoys and supplies. Good luck, Captain.”
“Thanks LT. Good luck to y’all as well.”
The Mantis group walked back out the boarding tunnel and toward the viewport. Ximon stared at the glistening shape of the Eon Explorer.
Ximon said, “Mantis, how big is she?”
Mantis replied, “The Eon Explorer is a Survey Frigate of 1,100 tons. She has extensive long-range sensors and a jump range of twenty light years.”
Elsbeth said, “And they want us to take over for that? With the Mantis?”
Ximon said, “I guess so. We’re just that good. We’ll see how it goes.”
“These missions sound like a bunch of crap and will take months,” Elsbeth complained. “I sure ain’t getting my ass fried retrieving sensors from the border of some sun!”
Ximon held up his hands. “Settle down. We’ll all sit down and plan this out. If we can’t do something, we won’t. You know I have no intention of risking Mantis, myself, you, or your arse if I think we’re in danger.”
She started gruffly, “Sure, that’s what you say now.” Then she smiled and shook her butt. “I know you just want to protect my sweet ass.”
He rolled his eyes in exasperation. “I’ll try to protect your hide because I don’t want to have to push Mantis back home. But I’ll leave your after-quarters to Peter. Thank you very much.”
She punched him jokingly as he started speaking, “Mantis, please ask Raiza to have lunch ready at 1230 and have everyone join us in the galley. We’ll eat and plan this out.”
As they walked back toward Mantis, Ximon was indeed a bit worried that the list of tasks was more than they and Mantis could handle. He was particularly conscious that these missions were intended for a much larger ship with a much larger crew. He had a great deal of faith in the crew and in Mantis, but there was a limit. Careful planning would help show how they were really situated. Once he saw that, he was determined to cancel missions if he felt they were beyond their capability.
Ximon, Elsbeth, and Mantis’ telebot got back to the ship just after noon. They gathered with the rest of the crew at 1230. Raiza had a light lunch laid out and Mantis was fully set up to present details of their missions, maps, and so forth.
Ximon started out, “Okay, the KSF is asking us to do a long list of tasks over several months and about one hundred light years. So, we’ve got to ensure we can fit everything in timewise, fit everything we need into the cargo bay, and that we can accomplish this stuff.”
Ximon brought up the Xalanan Sector and the Darcy planetary system on the display.
“First, we’ve got this Darcy evacuation and sensor recovery mission. That’s the most urgent, so we’ll have to leave for that tomorrow AM. Let’s say 0800 takeoff. We’ll need to draw whatever supplies we need, as well as those two decoys, this afternoon. Peter and Raiza, can you handle that?”
They both, almost simultaneously, said, “Of course, Captain.”
He continued, “Els
beth, please get us refueled and pass on any minor parts we might need to Peter so he can see if we can draw them from supply with the other stuff. I’ll arrange for us to pick up the gear to resupply Zased and meet up with the sensor operator they’ve so generously given us.”
Ximon then turned to Peter. “My first questions is, can we make this all fit in cargo? We’ve already got those drop tanks in there. We’ll be adding fuel, and we’ll pick up the Zased equipment tomorrow AM. Will it all fit?”
Peter responded, “Captain, assuming the specifications provided are correct, it will all fit. However, it will be too cramped to easily access everything. It will take some time to reorganize the cargo as we add items or when we need to retrieve items that are not readily accessible.”
Ximon nodded. “Understood. Getting to Darcy is going to take us using those drop tanks, so they’ll be gone once we’re there, but we’ll have to have those fuel bladders full when we make that jump because we can’t count on fuel there.”
Elsbeth put her hand on Peter’s arm and spoke. “That’s the final complication and will take a lot of shuffling. To make that work, we’re using the space from the air raft. Peter and Raiza are also working on putting some of the smaller, consumable supplies in cabin five, so they don’t have to dig into the cargo bay as much.”