Vast Mantis Page 23
Ximon had some concerns but wasn’t sure what to say. He was particularly concerned that the KSF might press for a lot more detail, but he guessed he’d deal with that when the time came.
For the more immediate concern, he said, “I want to be clear how we will discuss all this at the meeting with the government. We need to be clear if we want them to understand.”
“Oh, but of course. We, Robatham, will cover what occurred in some detail and then we will all answer as completely as they require. That will be a sensitive, classified meeting and we will be frank, I assure you. If any questions are put to you, we expect you to answer as completely as you deem appropriate.”
“Okay, that was my nearest concern. I do have one longer-term question. We’re writing a book about the history of the Mantis and we’d like to include some portions of these travels in it. What are your thoughts?”
Johannes’ eyebrows shot up in surprise and some consternation, he he soon gathered himself. “Interesting. As we said, timing, audience, and mode of communication, along with topic are important in such things. We certainly would not want anything that discusses this in any detail to be published before we finish our negotiations. After that, our level of concern will lessen, but we would insist that you submit any portions dealing with this mission for our review. I can assure you we will be prompt and reasonable, but you can understand our concern with regards to brand and such.”
“Okay, if that’s the case that sounds reasonable.”
Johannes smiled. “Excellent. Now a few other things. As I’ve noted, we’re in discussion with our various customers. That will take some time, perhaps as long as three to six months. As per our contract, as we settle with these customers, you will receive a portion of any recovery fees. We will send you a summary and funds each month until settlements are finished. Again, we would ask that you keep these settlements strictly confidential, for obvious reasons.”
“Excellent. It’s always a pleasure to deal with such professionals. I believe that’s all I have. We might contact you with a few additional questions. We would also like to take statements from your other crew members who aren’t here. Please do not discuss the questions with them before we’re able to meet with them. Finally, we’ll send an invitation to this government meeting shortly with directions. Please let me know who you would like to attend. They might choose to limit it to those who have a KSF or other government clearance, but I believe that covers almost all of your crew. Until the meeting, we would ask that you strictly limit discussion of the mission and try to keep to yourselves, as it were.”
Johannes and his associates closed their portfolios of notes. “So, any final questions for us?”
Mantis immediately chimed in, “Sir, could we receive electronic versions of those guidelines? Could you also include, where possible, reference to any specific sections of the non-disclosure agreement or contract?”
Johannes blinked at having Mantis ask such a question but, again, composed himself. “Of course. Francesca will send you the guidelines immediately following the meeting. The references will follow later today.”
On the way back to Mantis, the crew stopped for dinner. Ximon called Elsbeth to see if she wanted them to bring her anything.
She answered dryly, “Yes, I’m currently in an interrogation with someone Robatham sent over. I guess I might as well have gone. Between you all, you should be able to figure out what I’d like.”
Ximon was both surprised and impressed at Robatham’s efficiency at having gotten someone to Elsbeth and Peter before the crew had even gotten back to Mantis.
Later that night, Ximon gave everyone a week off, but told them they had to be available if meetings or tasks related to this came up. He wasn’t at all sure what that would entail.
Over the next couple days, they did ‘lay low.’ Ximon decided he would have the entire crew come to the government meeting if they were allowed. After some discussion with the government however, they came back stating that Shao and Mantis could not attend. Shao’s KSF clearance had expired with her contract with the KSF and they said that Mantis didn’t have a clearance that would allow her to attend. Ximon found that an odd argument since Mantis was more KSF than any of them and was cleared for processing classified information when activated. However, he guessed they just didn’t feel that applied to a telepresence representation of Mantis. He made sure that the rest of them had the details and that everyone would be dressed uniformly in Mantis’ flight suit and dress jacket.
Shao didn’t seem to mind being excluded. She spent most of the next few days hanging out at Silas’s place. Ximon wasn’t sure Johannes would appreciate that, but he wasn’t about to bring it up.
On the day of the event, Robatham sent a car to retrieve the attendees for a catered breakfast at Robatham. Here they reviewed a few guidelines and some lady checked them all over to ensure they looked okay. Ximon assumed that she was a fashion consultant, but they didn’t give her much to work with. She did apply a bit of makeup to Elsbeth and tightened Raiza’s and Peter’s clothes a bit. Ximon wasn’t sure whether he should be offended that she didn’t recommend anything for him except putting a shinier KSF ARC lapel pin on him. Perhaps he was a lost cause.
After breakfast, they were taken to a Planetary Government office complex on the edge of town in a motorcade with other Robatham attendees – Johannes, Silas, Francesca, and a couple of other associates, all looking very sharp.
Once at the destination, they passed through security and were taken to a large conference room to wait. Johannes, Silas, Ximon, and Elsbeth were seated on one side of the table, the other associates, Raiza, and Peter behind them in seats along the wall. There were glasses of water and refill carafes on the table.
A young government staffer ensured all the name plates were properly situated, notepads in place, and glasses filled. He then stood by the door to announce the government entourage.
In the lead was Deputy Tixaya Prime Minister Lady Rykov, followed by Senator Vigil (Republic Senator from Tixaya); Vice Admiral Pouret, KSF; and Captain Qwilleran, KRN. They were followed by four government staffers, and both a KSF and a KRN lieutenant.
Lady Rykov started the discussion without preamble. “Mr. Roberto, your firm has provided information that suggests you undertook a mission to find and recover some lost ships and crew, that you recovered some of them, and that in the process your team encountered a dangerous, advanced race. Am I correct in my summary?”
Johannes smiled. “Ma’am that is precisely the case. Our team recovered the KSS Trailblazer, all of its crew, most of the crews of five other vessels, and the remains of the crew of the KSS Twilight. They had been captured by an ancient race calling themselves the Shebatha.”
The Senator dove in. “Where does this race dwell and how do they impact the Republic?”
“Senator, their area of concern is approximately 130 light years away near the intersection of the DX-Orr, Orrarra, ADX, and Verravroge Sectors. It would appear that they’re unlikely to impact the Republic as long as they are not bothered. They repeatedly stressed to our team that they want no visitors of any kind and will destroy or apprehend any they encounter.”
Rykov dove back in. “Understood. However, that is the case, why have you raised this issue with such urgency?”
“Madam, I have here a missive that they directed our team to take to our leaders.” Here he bowed and proffered the case with formality. “I deliver that to you now. We feel that this should be brought to the Senate’s attention. We further feel it is vital that Republic vessels, both government and civilian, be warned to avoid the area. Finally, we suggest you share this information with friendly powers so they don’t suffer and so they don’t antagonize the Shebatha.”
“I see. Well said. Let us see what this missive states.” She handed it to one of her aides. “Please open this and read it to us.”
The aide, a young man in an ill-fitting suit named Jenkins, nervously
arose, broke the seal, and opened the missive. He carefully read the contents.
“‘We of the great and ancient race of the Shebatha have grown excessively weary of regular intrusions by annoying and unwelcome pests, most notably including those from your Republic. Know now that we claim complete and total control over the region shown below and reserve the right to destroy or seize any vessels entering that space as we have done with hundreds of vessels before over thousands of years. We wish no discussion nor diplomatic relations with you. Ensure your people stay well clear of our space and pass the same on to your friends and allies. If you will not do as we ask, we can and will exert power far beyond this region to your great and everlasting woe. Leave us be!’ Forever!”
Even Rykov seemed impressed. “Well, it does not appear there is any room for interpretation. They will destroy anything approaching and make direct threats if we do not stay clear.”
Admiral Pouret spoke up next. “I, for one, would like to thank Robatham Associates and its team for undertaking this mission and returning our ship and crew to us, along with numerous civilians to their homes and families. From what I can see, it was well done. I would also note that it was a great example of the value of using KSF ships, even retired ones, in civilian efforts. It supports the value of the KSF Auxiliary Reserve Command.”
The Deputy PM nodded. “Well said, Admiral. Mr. Roberto, we do thank you and your team. Admiral, we all see and support the value of the KSF’s Reserve Command. No sales pitch is necessary.”
Captain Qwilleran then spoke up. “Madam, Gentlemen, while I understand the issue and note it as a concern, does it not seem that perhaps we are overstating the concern? Other than capturing several ships unawares, what evidence is there to suggest that these Shebatha are dangerous? It appears this could all be posturing.”
Rykov seemed a bit surprised at this line and her face suggested that she doubted the Captain’s intelligence or his sanity. Her tone was icy. “Captain, I believe the documents provided indicate some legitimate areas of concern. Mr. Roberto, will you summarize for us?”
“Of course, ma’am. Our team saw substantial evidence of immense power. Captain Sabo, as an experienced military professional, would you please point out some of the things you noted that indicate such power.”
Ximon wasn’t expecting to be called on and was caught off guard. He caught himself, took a sip of water to have a second to collect his thoughts, and went on. “Lady Rykov, Senator, Admiral, Captain – I was the captain of the vessel used for this mission. I noted several things that caused me grave concern with regards to the Shebatha. First, they were able to navigate jump space in such a way that they intercepted us within our jump field. They were then able to redirect our jump to a different system. Those things are well beyond Republic technology in my experience and would have immense value in any conflict. Second, in the place in which we recovered the Trailblazer, the Shebatha had dozens, if not hundreds, of captured vessels from many places and races. These included at least one large battleship-class warship, the capture of which demonstrates substantial power. Third, the weapons used to destroy the KSS Twilight were extremely powerful and precise and were employed by a small vessel – well beyond the power of our similar weapons or vessels. Fourth, they employed powerful electromagnetic pulses that could disable ships, robots, and people. Finally, they stated and demonstrated that they could, and would, use asteroids to destroy nearby worlds. In my mind they are extremely dangerous and should be avoided.”
“Thank you, Captain Sabo,” said Rykov. “Two questions for you then. First, how can an electromagnetic pulse impact people? I thought those just worked on electronics.”
Ximon thought of answering and then asked Raiza to do so.
Raiza arose, looking stunning in her Mantis uniform. “Madam, I am the Medical Officer of the Mantis and observed the effects of this on Captain Sabo and the other human members of the crew. The human brain and nervous system essentially operate on extremely small electrical and electro-chemical impulses. It is my medical opinion that the device used was tuned to the precise wavelength within the human brain and nervous system so as to cause maximum pain and impairment.”
Rykov’s eyebrows rose. “Are you saying that you were not affected and were, thus, able to observe this?”
“Madam, I am a robot and was not affected by the particular electromagnetic pulse that affected the human members of the crew. I was, however, repeatedly affected by other pulses targeted at the ship itself and the robots onboard. They were similarly debilitating, I can assure you.”
“A robot, eh? Well, thank you for your assessment. Captain Sabo, my other question for you then is this — if they were so powerful, how were you able to recover the Trailblazer and crew with only your small ship?”
Ximon looked to Roberto who nodded to Silas. Silas said, “Madam Deputy Prime Minster, I am Silas Ahab, the agent of Robatham Associates on this mission. Frankly, we were able to recover the Trailblazer because the Shebatha allowed us to do so after they first forced us to undertake several small missions for them.”
“Ah, this is the journeying described in the report then?”
Silas nodded respectfully. “Yes, Ma’am. They tasked us to visit several systems and gather information and specimens for them.”
“And for you, Captain Sabo, what did you feel would happen if you hadn’t done these things?”
Ximon cleared his throat. “Madam, I was convinced that the Trailblazer, as well as any other vessels and crew, would have been destroyed or permanently held. Further, I believe that the Shebatha would have inflicted grave damage on several occupied worlds around them. Finally, I believe they would have found some means of destroying the Mantis, even long after we had left their region of space.”
The Senator laughed quietly as she spoke. “Certainly, that is a great incentive. I, for one, am convinced of the potential dangers associated with antagonizing this race and will propose to submit the missive to the Senate and the Foreign Office.”
Rykov handed the missive to the Senator. “I concur. Please take it and deliver it to the full Senate as soon as practicable.”
The Senator nodded.
Rykov continued, “Roberto, we thank your firm for the rescue and for bringing this to our attention. All present note that this matter of the Shebatha is now a matter of state security. Until further notice, this information is to be treated as classified. I understand your firm’s interest but must ask that you limit all discussion of this aspect of the mission until informed otherwise.” She then turned to one of the other aides. “Crelander, please prepare a memo for all of these people to sign certifying that they understand there are certain things they are not to discuss under the terms of the Republic Secrets Act.” Rykov turned to the other officials. “Any other questions or concerns?” However, her expression and the pace of her comments made it quite clear that she didn’t expect or welcome any.
They all demurred, but Ximon felt a pointed look from VADM Pouret. Ximon couldn’t be sure, but thought it implied, “We’ll be talking soon.”
Rykov was again gracious. “Thank you all for coming in and for your work on this issue. Good day.”
The official party then swept out and Roberto and the crew were left waiting for Crelander to type up something for them to sign.
Roberto turned to Ximon. “Well, as I said, they’ve noted a few points that none of us can discuss. Naturally you can consider that as an addendum of sorts to the discussion guidelines we provided.”
Ximon nodded. “Sure. Interesting group.”
The Robatham car dropped the crew off at the ship. Shao quickly changed to run off to Silas’s place. Elsbeth and Peter changed to go out for a night on the town. Ximon thought about it and he and Raiza also went out for a nice dinner.
At dinner, Ximon noted he had received a funds transfer from Robatham for the amount of the invoice he provided. It was a healthy sum indeed. He transferred some of it into the Mantis operations fund
and paid all the salaries, plus substantial bonuses. He also paid off a few additional ship shares to the KSF, reducing the time until he fully owned the Mantis. Then he started making plans for other purchases or investments. He daydreamed for a bit, considering some ship modifications and upgrades, buying additional land, and other things.
Ximon was lost in thought and it took him a minute to realize that Raiza was discussing something. “I’m sorry, dear, I missed that last bit.”
“Ximon, my love, I wanted to ask you to consider something. It’s something rather big, I’m afraid.”
Ximon sat up in alarm, in part because he was afraid he had missed something important she might have said. “What is it? Are you okay?”
“Ximon, I have greatly appreciated all you’ve invested in my medical training. It validates me and makes me more useful to you and the ship. I have considered that I would like to pursue the next logical step in that direction. Dear, I would like you to consider sending me for a formal medical internship, to become a doctor.”
“Dear, what would you need to become a doctor for? I think you’re already far more valuable than the lot of them.”
“Thank you, Ximon. However, my skills and knowledge would certainly increase, and the application of the formal title Doctor would give greater weight to my opinions in medical circles, quite likely including the government group we recently met with.”
“What do you mean? Everyone who’s ever met you knows you’re a genius.”
“Ximon, it is not overt, but my views did not carry the weight they might when we attended those sessions on the gray aliens last year. There have been other times when it would have been useful. Certainly, the additional skills might have helped with some of the challenges we faced on this mission as well.”
“You did marvelously throughout. The Ruda didn’t just think you a doctor, they thought you a goddess, as I do, I might add.”
“Ximon, I need you to take this seriously.” But then she leaned close over the table and smiled seductively. “I’m not wearing any panties by the way.”